what is the best chinese tattoo mean i love my mom?

In China, few or almost no one tattoos I love dad, I love mom. Because Chinese people are more subtle in their feelings, unlike Europeans and Americans who express their emotions so directly. Traditionally, parents and children in Chinese families rarely express their love for each other directly. So what tattoo both fits the Chinese context and expresses the love for the mother? I will tell you.

The Chinese have a word for the description of parents called 严父慈母, meaning that the father is serious mother is loving. One more thing, traditionally Chinese people talk about their father to others as 家严, meaning the one who is serious in the family. about mother is 家慈, meaning the one who is kind. 慈 represents the mother.

So I do not recommend that you directly tattoo the Chinese characters 母亲、妈妈、母女、母爱, I give the advice is to tattoo the two characters 爱慈. And to write horizontally rather than vertically. Because the Chinese have two reading habits from left to right and right to left, then whether it is read as 爱慈 or 慈爱 is a very good context. 爱慈 is love for mother, 慈爱 is mother's love.

This is a really good tattoo, and as a Chinese person, I would want to get it if I were not a boy. You see, this is how the Chinese think.

in simplified Chinese is 爱慈

in traditional Chinese 愛慈

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