700+ chinese tattoos

Pain and happiness.


writing and reading order: 痛→并→快→乐→着

best chinese tattoos: Pain and happiness.

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Pain and happiness.

"Pain and pleasure" is a common philosophy of life, implying that when experiencing difficulties and challenges, people also experience pleasure and a sense of fulfillment. This attitude encourages people to remain positive in the face of adversity, to draw strength and experience from it, and ultimately to achieve their goals. This philosophy is applicable in many fields. For example, in the learning process, students may encounter difficulties and setbacks, but when they succeed in overcoming them, they will feel a great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. At work, employees may face pressure and competition, but they also experience joy and pride when they complete an important project or receive a promotion. In life, a "pain and pleasure" attitude can help us better cope with setbacks and difficulties and develop an optimistic mindset. When we learn to find joy and opportunities for growth in difficult situations, we can better enjoy life and realize our values.



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