what does ariana grande's chinese tattoo say

what does ariana grande's chinese tattoo say

Ariana Grande's Chinese name is 爱莉安娜·格兰德

This is her name when she was developing in Japan, her name Japanese pronunciation is アリアンナ, and then in Japanese kanji written out can be written as 爱莉杏菜

Her new song "7 Rings" about friendship ~ the lyrics mentioned "Bought matching diamonds for 6 of my bitches", meaning that she bought 7 diamond rings to 6 girlfriends and herself, you can see that she is a very important friendship people ~

In order to promote her new song "7 Rings", Ariana, who has always loved Japanese culture, purposely got a tattoo on her left palm with the word: "七輪". And this word means "small round charcoal grill for barbecue", a huge oops!

In fact, the Chinese word for 七輪 means seven wheels, which can also be barely understood as seven rings, but I think a more appropriate Chinese expression is "七戒指".

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