The origin and history of tattoos in China

The origin and history of tattoos in China

In China, the early tattoo is out of totem worship, only the identity of noble people can have a tattoo, but with the development of civilization, tattoo gradually abandoned by civilized society.

In ancient China, tattoos were transformed into a punishment, called 黥面, which is the penalty for tattooing on the face, the ancients believed that the body's hair and skin by the parents, can not be easily destroyed, this punishment is undoubtedly a very humiliating punishment.

Even in contemporary times, tattoos as modern art, has also been subject to criticism and strange eyes. In the public's perception, people with tattoos look like gangsters, a little bad. And girls with tattoos, even less accepted by others. In the eyes of the elders, girls with tattoos is often the outright bad girl, most of the elders do not like.

Young people are good at accepting new things, they feel that tattoos can express their own personality, is a hobby of their own, just, no harm, tattoos for them to feel very beautiful. The elders' mindset is still that relatively backward, naturally can not accept these strange tattoos, feel that the younger generation is trampling on their own bodies, may point to them.

Although in ancient times there were tattoos, but in our traditional ideology, an ordinary decent people will not go to the tattoo, only those who are mixed with the mob of men, or fallen women will go to the tattoo. Of course, in today's civilized and open society, everything has become natural, in the pursuit of fashion and beauty, tattoos are also one of the ways to add style.

After people become adults, they should learn to take into account the overall situation, not to mention that after marriage, life has entered a different stage. More can not come with their own nature, must take into account the feelings of those around them, this is the performance of maturity!

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